Thursday, February 24, 2011

Spring Renewal

So I have been hiding from my blog and from the world for the last month.  Well cant change that know.  But in one of my Cafemom groups we are recharging for Spring and doing daily challenges and today is to start a Spring Renewal Journal and what better what to start my blog again.  It involves writing daily about how we are too blossom this season.  So I guess instead of focusing on all the negative that has happened this last month I will focus on making myself better as a person and actually being happy with my life.  It might be a challenge to start but in the end it will be a blessing. Cant wait to start.  The first thing that I think I will do is finally except my grandmother's passing.  She passed on the 6th exactly 69 1/2 years of age.  I know that she had suffered way too long and that she is in a better place but not having her anymore to talk to and laugh with is hard.  Living in her house and seeing everything that was hers and being constantly reminded of her is even harder.  We buried her ashes on the 12th at two different cemeteries, at the family plot here of my grandfathers and at her families plot between her mother and her sister.  But I will always hold her close to my heart and remember the good times everyday every second.

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