Sunday, June 26, 2011

The EMAIL! This Is A Good Read!

So I figured its safe to share the email from Tim's parents that caused my last rant. I will imput on it ir red just like my teachers used to do lol this should be fun.

Tim I don't know who you have been listening to but we never ever expected you to be perfect and your sister is not perfect either. We never ever told you that you had to be like Tracy. We never once compared the two of you and you know it and we never would do that to our child. Really is that why Tim tells me stories all the time about how everything he did was never good enough and that how when his sister got good grades she was always bought new things and he never got anything! You are right about one thing though right now. We only have a daughter because our son is being an ass. As to the attack on Nikki that was not started by us and you know it but are just to stubborn to admit it. Oh really then why is it that all the attacks can be found on their facebook pages and not mine!  Why was it always started by their fb statuses calling me names and saying I was abusing? And yes I have proof. We do know one thing for sure and that is that your word is worth absolutely nothing. When you picked Dante up that last time you came in here crying about how bad things were there and that you didn't want to go back there. Umm no if I remember right it was about how my family members that DONT live here where treating us and it has drastically changed since then and they respect us now. You also promised us that despite Nikki saying we would never see Dante again that you would make sure that we had a relationship with our grandson. Ya well this official cut off from Dante was Tim's choice cause of what they did to us, to me after they found out I had/was going through a miscarriage. Do you know how to tell the truth at all anymore? lol apparently we arent the only ones. She has problems that she needs professional help for. Oh you mean my depression, my ADHD, my PTSD and my anxiety/panic attacks? Wow way to use those as a weapon like that wont make it worst for me, after all Im Pagan and believe in natural ways of dealing with things. We know that you love her. It is our right to like or dislike a person. Then you will face the consequences cause we are a packaged deal. Who else attacked Nikki in your eyes? Lets see his mom, his sister, and three of his cousins (I will not post names). Think about this. If we came to your house and we said vile, nasty and unimaginable things to you two and made accusations and told lies about us harming our grandson would you want that person to come around again? Would you stand for that in your own home? If you have even a small piece of the young man that we raised your answer would be a quick and definite NO. Well no neither of us would but I never said vile, nasty and unimaginable things and no way in hell did I ever say they were harming our son! If you are honest the answer would be a strong NO. She has said stuff to us that was uncalled for and most of which is lies. The only things that I ever said in their home was stuff to defend myself and my family! They attack my in their home by calling me names accusing me of being unfit and what they expect me to not defend myself just cause its their home, I dont think so!  You can keep saying our son all you like about Dante but you cannot change the fact that he is our grandson and will always be our grandson regardless of what you say. But he is OUR SON and I dont care if you are technically his grandparents that doesnt change all the crap you have done and said and that NEITHER of us want you in our or his life. That is a fact that cannot be changed just because you want it to be. We do not want you to live by our rules. LOL ya right. We know that you are a grown up, at the moment once again you are not acting like it. Really I though standing up for yourself and making your voice and opinions and thoughts know was being an adult? You seem to think that because you have a son that that makes you better than Tracy. It does not and how do you know she hasn't given us a grandchild or isn't pregnant right now since you have cut all of your family out of your life? Um cause you said that you are glad Tim gave you a grandchild and that you wished Tracy would too, and since you had the gal to email him and say that you got a new dog that you would do so if she was pregnant lol also we havent cut out all of his family just a good handful. We do not have a problem with you being with Nikki. That is your choice and we know that you love her. Didnt they already say this just with different works? Just because you love her does not mean that we have to ignore our values that you were raise by too and ignore our feelings. Fine just dont push them on us or OUR son. This is not about Nikki it is about Dante and you seem to have lost sight of that fact. Umm ya they are the ones making it all about me and not my son, they are the ones that brought my name into this last year and made it all about me. We will not stand by and let anyone come to our home and then attack us verbally and then spread lies about us to everyone that will listen to her. Lies! lol ya sure believe what you want. I guess you have a very short memory. When Dante was born it was you who ask for our help because you wanted to leave her. Umm ya only cause he was scared of raising a preemie and wanted to leave me for another women that had two kids, but now look at us happy!  When we finally got to see and get to know Dante last summer it was Nikki that flipped out over something that you guys had both told us it was okay to do. The mature thing would have been that if you had changed your minds to give us a call and we would have stopped what you guys had already approved. Just because if it were reversed and it was us that had a child and ask for something to not be done or used and we called to ask you to stop it do not paint us with the same brush because we would have stopped whatever it really was that made her go ballistic. Oh the whole toothbrush issue! I almost forgot about this lol.  Lets see first off when we left Dante there we said to use the toothbrush we sent, so they went and bought an electrict one!  They called and told us, Tim said it was ok but I told him no they use only the one we sent cause I want him to learn.  They are the ones that after being told to stop refused and kept doing it, going against the wishes of the parents, ya I went ballistic! You can keep telling yourselves that Dante is your son but it will never change the fact that he is our grandson. Again didnt they already say this? If to much time goes by before we see him again it will go to court. Grandparents have rights to their grandkids. lol this makes me laugh! I have read up on grandparents rights here in Oregon and guess what they have the burden to prove that we are unfit, that we are harming him from not letting him around them and they have to have had contact for at least six months prier to the filing!  Ya they havent had contact with him for about eight months! Nice try especially since he is super super happy and healthy without them.  Can you afford a court battle because let me tell you we will go to court to get court ordered visitation rights if we have to. Um well since he is on state assistance he court fee will be paid for by the state so ya we can afford it. That is not what we want to do but we will if we have to. You are doing all of this based on lies. You can also tell us every day for the rest of your life that we no longer have a son but that is a fact that you cannot change either. While you guys are playing your little power games I guess it doesn't matter about your son. Um wait what? Are you saying that we arent focused on taking care of him? Ya what ever. We will readily admit that it is hard not being in his life but what you guys are doing to that boy by denying him to know his own grandparents is hurting him. Really cause what he doesnt know wont hurt him, get a life. Who knows what lies he has heard but you know deep down in there were that young man we raised is that we would never ever do anything to harm one hair on that angles head. First off its spelled angel and secondly we have never told him a lie and not to mention he is too young to understand. You can delete it but just remember the next time you need money or a place to stay for a a day or two that we may not always be here to let you stay. Find we have friends and I have family. You can only slap us in the face so many times with your behavior before we will not be there to help when you really need it. Since we don't have a son any longer in your eyes, go to Nikki's page on 365 and read a letter on there that she posted. Umm 365 what? Sorry 365project is a photo blog only so there is no letter posted there lol Nikki if you are the one reading this go ahead and delete it we have copies, anyway Tim you go on there and read that letter and you may not be so eager to stand up for her. She posted a letter on there that she readily admits that she has been cheating on you with another man. Oh they must mean on here my blog! Well they are stalking me now.  And as for the post admitting that I cheated well he knows and it says point blank in there otherwise I wouldnt have posted it. We have worked everything out, moved on and gotten stronger cause of it. Talk about putting dumb stuff on line that one is up there near the top. I could care less right now if you come or not. You need to grow up and take off your rose colored glasses. Never ever accuse us again of picking your sister over you because she is the perfect child. We never ever said or did anything to make you think that let alone speak it. refere to beginning of email lol Know where that came from. Nobody is perfect and we never pitted one child against the other. We never told you that you needed to be like Tracy or ever even compared you to her. You cannot do that if you love your child and we loved both of our children. parents always prefere on child over the other and from the stories they prefered Tracy over Tim. I think you might have burned your last bridge today. GOOD! It would be a shame if we had to sue you to see our grandchild. Go ahead We may not care for his mother but we are mature enough that he will never hear that from our lips or any other way. Bullshit! My advise to you two is to go and get some professional help if you really love each other. Umm what? If we love eachother we need help! Nikki's behavior is not that of someone who claims they love you. Oh lol Neither one of your guys behavior is that of a mature person. You will always be our son but that does not mean that we have to agree with everything you say and think. It does not mean that we have to be there for you when you need help. I guess you forgot all that we did to help you get your Social Security um maybe cause you had to so you/he could afford his meds and appointments and not one but two trucks. I guess you don't remember how hard we worked to get you an apartment to live in on your own and made sure that you had food to eat. Didnt have too. That is okay. You seem to have grown up in a totally different home that the one you did. At the moment I could care less if we see you anytime soon but just remember we will not wait forever for you to grow up and let us back in Dante's live. We will take you to court for court ordered visitation rights. Again repeating what was already said! Very annoying. Despite what you may think we do have some rights concerning Dante. I never told you this before but since you don't plan on seeing us ever again why not. When you guys came here to stay for a few days the last time because there was a lot of fighting going on there and you wanted Dante out of there, I saw Nikki slap Dante and scream vile and vulgar names at you son. You know why? He was bothering her while she was watching a soap opera. Several family members saw with their own eyes how afraid Dante is of his own so called Mother. Oh I have been waiting for this one! Lets see that time we stayed there was during the weekend when soaps ARE NOT ON! Imagine that lol I would NEVER SLAP or YELL VILE and VULGAR things at my own son. And that would mean that none of their family members could have seen that! Grow up and stop making up lies! Chew on that for a while but do not contact us bitching about what we have told you. We can't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. You tell lies and promises that you never keep. Very abrupt end.
 Wow thats a lot of red! Well there you have it, the email that caused my hissy fit lol. Well what you all think?

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