Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Its Been Along Time! ~ Yes Long

After Im not sure how long I am finally about to get on a laptop! Ya I could mobile blog but typing up a long ass entry on a touchscreen phone would take way too long and have probably way too many spelling errors. Anyway since my last post a few things have happened, and I doubt there will be any vents about Tims parents since they havent tried contacting us since the email.

Lets see that was June 26th so on June 30th I realized that I was a couple days late and well tested mid-day (which is a no-no, you are to test in the am lol) and got a very not faint positve! I honestly didnt think I was pregnant, and when I saw it say pregnant I collapsed and hit the floor crying. I had plans on surprising Tim but kinda gave it away in a text message to him and tried denying it but to no evail. I was so affriad to let anyone know that we decided to keep it a secret as long as we could, which now that I think about it wouldnt have been easy lol So as I sit here today I am 19wks 1dy with a little BOY! We couldnt be happy although we both wanted a girl lol but I deep down knew it was another boy, we already have a name picked out and its Tristan Lee Powell. At least this way we dont have to spend as much on clothing and stuff but we do need a crib, dresser/changing table, infant carseat, highchair and/or booster, etc... So we have till March to prepair for this baby but the crib Im not too worried about cause baby will sleep in a bassinett for about the first six months. I also have so many things about this pregnancy and the baby that I am deadset on doing, 1: I will do everything possible to have a competely natural VBAC, no monitoring, no ivs, no nothing! 2: this baby will be left intact just like Dante was, circumcion is unnessacary, cosmetic, and not recommended by any medical society. 3: This baby will never leave my view, he will room in and I will be there to watch all exams and give the first bath. 4: This little man will be exclusively breastfeed for at least a year (one year recommened by the AAP and two years recommended by WHO)! No pacifiers, no bottles. We will do baby lead solids and baby lead weaning. Babies do not selfwean before a year unless given way too much solids which are to be more like a dessert then a main course. 5: This baby will be extended rear-faced in his carseat till he reaches the limit, something I wished I had done with Dante.

Anyway enough of that lol since my last post alot has happened with my grandfather. The leg that had the infected foot he had to have amputated just before the knee but they seem to have gotten all the infection which is good and are starting to get him set for a prostectic and will be starting rehab soon. They have also decided not to deal with any of is other medical problems which means he could have anywhere from a month to a few years left, which scares me since I lost my grandmother less then a year ago. We are still wanting to move from here back to Central Oregon but now it just seems harder and he needs someone here to help him.

Dante is doing good, getting closer to turning three which is really sad that he is growing up soooo fast. We talk to him about his little brother but either he just doesnt understand or he just doesnt care. We had a review for his disability with a doctor that we had never meant nor do we like. She flat out stated that she cant evaluate his motorskills or speach but yet is still telling the state that he is fine. Um hello he isnt fine! He is almost three and barely 25 pounds! Ya he is talking better but has a delay, ya he is walking and running but he cant use a crayon or pencil. I really hope that the state wises up and has someone that can fully eval him look at him. With Halloween coming up we just got Dantes costume, he is going to be Mater from Cars, well if we can get him to keep in on.

Anyway thats about all that I have time for right now, will do a photo post soon with my pregnancy photos.

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