Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Dawning Of A New Year - 2011

At the strike of 12
2010 is gone
a year has passed
so much gone on.
A new year dawns

with goals we've set
hoping it'll be
the best year yet!!
Here's to 2011.

Well from the clock on my computer I have 40 minutes till the new year dawns and a new chapter in my life begins.  There is so much that I want to do in the new year and so much about myself that I want to change and learn.  I figure that by the time I am done typing this and posting it, it will already be the new year. 

I want so badly to change who I am but not to the point that I will not be myself, I mostly want to be stronger and healthier.  I want to reach my goal weight and stick to my exercise plan.  I want to not worry about what other people do and let what they say about me behind my back and to my face just go in one ear and out the other, just let it roll right off my back with out a second thought.  There is a lot of trash in my life and at midnight I will be tossing it out, that is mostly in the form of people that I don't need in my life.  Its a new year so out with the old and in with the new. 

There are a lot of thing that in the new year I want to do with my life to better it for my son.  I want to move back to either Bend or Redmond, preferably Bend.  I want to go back to college for what I originally went for and get my DVM (Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine), a degree in Spanish and also go to school for Law.  I know that that is a lot to do in a year but even a small step in that direction is better then nothing. 

I am also starting projects tomorrow the first day of 2011.  I am planning on blogging in at least one of my blogs daily (I figure this will be the first blog of the new year) and also going to start taking at least one photo a day for an entire year.  I want to see how things change especially my son.  I want to start knitting and sewing again.  I want to challenge myself. 

I plan on focusing on my religion (Paganism) more this coming year and learning more about it.  I have put it on such a back burning in my life that I feel no longer attached to the Earth and the Gods and Goddesses like I once did.  I will no longer be afraid to tell people what or who I am and WILL wear my religion with pride!  I will also no longer ignore the gift that I have been given, I will gladly admit that I am an EMPATH!  I will learn to control what I have and will use it to help others. 

I cant wait to prove to people that one crappy ass year doesnt have to mean you give up.  I want to do everything that I set as goals.  I will not and never will let 2010 the worst year I can remember stop me from doing what I set out to do.  I will work towards and accomplish everything that I want to.  People will not stand in my way.  I will bitch slap anyone including friends and family that try. 

I know that there are probably a lot of people that will read this and call BS on a lot of it, but you know what I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks anymore!!!!!!!!!  This is my fucking life and I am fucking taking back control of it!  Nobody will have control over me anymore.  I will live how I want and make the decisions that I want to make and if anyone disagrees or thinks I am wrong they can fucking forget my name!


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